Finding the Right Customer for Your Woodworking Business

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“Honestly, if you just spent most of your time analyzing who is your ideal customer, or profiling your past five customers, this will help you tremendously, because then you're like, Okay, these are the people that buy where I want to buy, how do I reach them”

-Steve Larosiliere

Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. In this episode i’m going to help you with Finding the right customers for your woodworking business requires a strategic and thoughtful approach. Identifying your ideal customer, tailoring your marketing efforts, qualifying leads, collecting feedback, and collaborating with industry peers are all crucial steps to success.

Steve Larosiliere's insights provide a roadmap for your woodworking business's growth and prosperity. By following these steps, you'll be on your way to attracting and serving the right clientele, ensuring the long-term success of your business.

It's time to hear the complete story now!

“Define your ideal customer. So what you want to do is, before you find the right customer, you need to know who they are. And you want to start by creating an ideal customer profile. This is a detailed description of the right type of customer who are the best fit for your business? And so some of the things you want to think about our demographics like what are the age, whether to gender, income level, occupation or types of occupation?” 

-Steve Larosiliere

Tailor Your Marketing and Outreach

Once you've created your Ideal Customer Profile, tailor your marketing and outreach efforts to cater specifically to this audience. Here's how:

Content Marketing: Develop content, such as articles, videos, and posts, that directly addresses the needs and interests of your ideal customers. For instance, if your target audience consists of homeowners looking to renovate kitchens, create content about kitchen design and the benefits of custom cabinetry.

Social Media Targeting and Paid Advertising: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google PPC to target your ideal customers based on their demographics and interests. Leverage localized Search Engine Optimization to attract local customers.

Attend Local Events and Network: Engage with your community by attending local events, joining business associations, and building relationships with potential customers and businesses that can refer customers to you. This hands-on approach can be highly effective.

“Facebook and Instagram make it so easy to target these people geographically by age by what their lifestyle is, whether they have family, that sort of stuff, we can probably do another training on that localized Search Engine Optimization”

-Steve Larosiliere

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Finding the Right Customer for Your Woodworking Business

Finding the Right Customer for Your Woodworking Business
Release Date
