Donny Hinds: Salem Wood Co

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“ I was listening to the woodpreneur podcast, and that actually motivated me to do a lot of things, including rebranding, and growing and being becoming a business owner, using the skills that I have”

-Donny Hinds

Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today, your host Steve Larosiliere is joined by Donny Hinds from Salem Wood Co. Donnie started as a woodworking hobbyist and transformed his passion into a thriving business. In this podcast, we'll delve into Donnie's inspiring journey, his experiences with personal branding, the WoodPreneur Mentorship Program, and his vision for the future.

Listen now and get the whole story!

“I think the biggest thing actually is group discussions wherein everybody's involved and you can learn through what other people are going through open and frank conversations. And, and, frankly, Steve to you leading it, and just being upfront with what you think is the best advice.”

-Donny Hinds

The Turning Point

He witnessed the power of personal branding and its immediate impact. Steve encouraged participants to post personalized content on their social media platforms. Donnie acted quickly, and within minutes, he was amazed to see a quarter of his offerings sold. By the end of the day, he had sold out all his products. It was a turning point that motivated him to take his hobby to the next level.

The Mentorship Program

After realizing the potential of his woodworking business, Donnie's journey to success continued as he joined the Wood Printer Mentorship Program. The process was seamless, and he received support to integrate his website and social media platforms. Most notably, Donnie appreciated the sense of community within the mentorship program. He highlighted the importance of open and honest group discussions led by Steve. It offered the opportunity to learn from others and gather practical advice for business growth.

The Mindset Shift

Donnie emphasized the pivotal role of mindset in his journey. He admitted that before joining the mentorship program, he wasn't entirely confident in his abilities as a business owner. However, the program helped him believe in himself and his business. He acknowledged the importance of pushing past limiting beliefs, setting big goals, and pursuing them relentlessly.

Achievements and Awards

Donnie's journey had numerous milestones and achievements. Notably, he designed a unique coffee table, entered it into the "Made in North Carolina" awards, and received an honorable mention. This recognition led to increased visibility for his brand. His designs caught the attention of potential customers across the state, and he was even featured in local magazines and news outlets. Donnie's commitment to quality craftsmanship and innovation propelled his business forward.

“The other thing too, is removing yourself from the idea that it's you. So I think many of the audience knows that I used to work in nonprofit, right? And so I've run a nonprofit, and I've raised lots of money.”

-Steve Larosiliere

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Donny Hinds: Salem Wood Co

Donny Hinds: Salem Wood Co
Release Date
