Chad Beall: Tree Frog Woodworking

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“ I went to college on the jazz guitar scholarship and I'm all right brain and ended up doing construction on the side to kind of help pay the bills you know, music is a really hard way to make a living. And remembering things led to another and I started stumbling into the really artistic aspects of woodworking. And so that kicked it off.”

-Chad Beall

Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today, your host Steve Larosiliere is joined by Chad Beall from Tree Frog Woodworking, Chad’s story begins with his love for music. Attending college on a jazz guitar scholarship, he envisioned a life filled with melodies and chords. However, life had a different rhythm in store for him. To support his musical aspirations, Chad started working in construction, which inadvertently introduced him to the world of woodworking.

His entry into the woodworking industry wasn't planned; it was a serendipitous encounter with the artistic side of this craft. As life progressed, Chad's priorities shifted, especially with the arrival of his first son. He realized the need for a stable career over an expensive hobby, marking the inception of Treefrog Woodworking.

Listen now and get the whole story!

“ I really liked people, but, you know, it's mutually we need to separate in order for them to be doing be on their own path, you know, and grow. “

-Chad Beall

The Growth and Evolution

Incorporated in 1998, Treefrog Woodworking gradually evolved from a one-man show to a team of six skilled craftsmen. Chad’s initial years were filled with diverse projects from house framing to basement remodels. These experiences, though not always aligned with his interests, were crucial in building a foundation for his future endeavors.

One significant turning point was a pergola project. This task was unique, offering Chad a canvas to blend functionality with art. From there, the business branched out into making gates and other custom woodworks, which defined Treefrog Woodworking's niche.

A Symphony of Skills: Music, Photography, and Woodworking

Interestingly, Chad’s passion for music never faded. It transformed into a recreational pursuit, bringing a refreshing balance to his life. He highlights the importance of having a creative outlet that is separate from one's professional work to maintain creative vitality.

Another fascinating aspect of Chad's journey is his foray into photography. Initially, it was a means to showcase his woodworking projects. However, it grew into a passion, aiding significantly in marketing his business and showcasing the intricate beauty of his works.

Challenges and Triumphs

Running Treefrog Woodworking wasn't always smooth sailing. The initial years were filled with challenges, from handling diverse projects to managing a growing team. The turning point was a major project for the state capitol, involving extensive metalwork. This not only elevated Treefrog Woodworking’s reputation but also helped Chad recover from financial strains caused by the 2009 economic downturn.

The Future of Treefrog Woodworking

As for the future, Chad aims to maintain the current momentum, balancing the influx of new projects while upholding the quality of work. He strongly believes in word-of-mouth marketing, reinforced by the power of his photography skills. He also plans to explore blogging, adding another dimension to his artistic and business endeavors.

Parting Wisdom for the Woodworking Community

Chad’s advice to the woodworking community is heartfelt and simple: pursue your passion, not just the money. He emphasizes the importance of finding joy and pride in your work, which he believes is the key to a fulfilling career.

Want to get in touch with Chad Beall?

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Chad Beall: Tree Frog Woodworking

Chad Beall: Tree Frog Woodworking
Release Date
