$10K in 15 Day Sprint Testimonial - Brandon Cord

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“It was like a goodwill I wanted to help people get some big milestones in their life and their business, you know, and I'm glad it was perfect. I'm glad that it was able to help you at a time when you need it”

-Steve Larosiliere

Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today, we have a remarkable success story to share with you. Meet Brandon from BC Woodworks, who took on a 15-day challenge that completely transformed his business and set him on a path to success he'd never imagined. So, grab your favorite coffee or tea, and let's dive into Brandon's journey.

Now is the time to listen and hear the whole story!

“I just like to get things done quickly. So 15 Day Challenge, knock it out real quick and see what happens. But like I said, What do you got to lose? You got to try new things if you want to grow? “

-Brandon Cord

Background and Beginnings

Before we jump into the challenge, let's get to know Brandon a bit. Brandon started his woodworking journey at a young age, working alongside his father building custom cabinets, mainly kitchens. For over a decade, he honed his skills in the shop, eventually taking on the role of a foreman. However, Brandon started feeling burned out on cabinets and wanted to build his legacy, something that truly resonated with his passion. He began crafting custom furniture and ventured into selling lumber, which he did for two years before making the leap to go full-time.

The Motivation to Take on the Challenge

Now, you might be wondering why Brandon decided to participate in the 15-day challenge. Well, he had a goal - to achieve $10,000 in revenue. But it wasn't just about the money; he needed more work and wanted to explore how he could leverage the power of Facebook, something that's both simple and free. With August slowing down and September approaching, Brandon decided he had nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking on the challenge.

The Results That Surpassed Expectations

Fast forward through the 15-day challenge, and Brandon accomplished something remarkable. His initial goal was to reach $10,000 in revenue, but the results were beyond his expectations. Brandon generated an astounding $27,565 in just 15 days! That's more than double his previous highest month ever.

What's even more impressive is that this newfound success isn't just a one-time thing. Brandon secured two significant ongoing accounts, each potentially worth around $75,000 to $80,000 annually. This success has put him in a position to hire someone to help manage the growing workload and expand his business even further.

“I'm also in line to buy a sawmill first of the year. So we're gonna play with that, too. If the numbers make sense, I I got a like a brand new Lt. 40 guys wants me to buy it for them. So that would be a big help to buy that right now. “

-Brandon Cord

Want to get in touch with Steve Larosiliere?

Contact him through:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelarosiliere/?hl=en

Woodpreneurlife Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/woodpreneurlife/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevelarosiliere/

Acres of Timber Website: https://www.acresoftimber.com/

Stoked Website: https://www.stoked.org/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SteveLarosiliere

Woodpreneurlife YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@woodpreneurlife4211

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Woodpreneurlife Website: https://www.woodpreneurlife.com/

$10K in 15 Day Sprint Testimonial - Brandon Cord

$10K in 15 Day Sprint Testimonial - Brandon Cord
Release Date
