Fight Flavor Fatigue and Fuel Yourself for the Long Haul: Aaron Owens Mayhew, Backcountry Foodie

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Today we're embarking on a culinary thru-hike with registered dietitian and logistical powerhouse Aaron Owens Mayhew, the founder of Backcountry Foodie and the trail mom we all wish we had!I’m not even a long distance hiker (yet?!?), and can count on one hand the number of times I’ve backpacked for consecutive days sleeping outside, honestly - but I’ve been OBSESSED by the Backcountry Foodie business for years, since Aaron was doing Facebook Lives sitting outside in her vanlife days... and as COVID was lingering on, I listened to countless podcasts featuring Aaron telling her hiking back story, and the origin story of Backcountry Foodie.  (Link below to one of the many good ones from friend of the pod, Meg Carney of The Outdoor Minimalist Podcast!)So we’re not going to talk much Backcountry Foodie history today - I’m much more stoked about the brilliant power move Aaron started leaning into this year, when she began experimenting with ways to more directly support backpackers in their thru-hiking attempts.We'll also hear about the trials and triumphs Aaron experienced on her recent Tour du Mont Blanc - SOOOO MANY good takeaways for traveling backpackers, so make sure you listen to the end!AND THEN - head on over to to check out all of the amazing free resources and recipes available to get you fired up and fueled up. OR BETTER YET - level up into one of the Backcountry Foodie membership programs, which will get you  access to the entire library of recipes and nutrition guidance, as well as a discount in the Backcountry Foodie online shop! BUT WAIT, THERE'S EVEN MORE!  Take advantage of a special discount Aaron is extending to all friends of Guides Gone Wild - use code WILD at checkout to get 20% off any Backcountry Foodie membership - woot!!Get a little WILD, use code WILD, and start eating right on the trail, river, campground, wherever and whenever you find yourself fueling up far from your kitchen home base!More fun links: to the Backcountry Foodie YouTube channel: an eye on the BCF blog for a recap of Aaron’s Tour du Mont Blanc in September 2023: Foodie Shop: on IG: Carney, The Outdoor Minimalist, on GGW: Haas - Alpenventures Unguided: Trail Info: cold-soak recipe: Toggs Emergency Poncho:

Fight Flavor Fatigue and Fuel Yourself for the Long Haul: Aaron Owens Mayhew, Backcountry Foodie

Fight Flavor Fatigue and Fuel Yourself for the Long Haul: Aaron Owens Mayhew, Backcountry Foodie
Release Date
