003 | Preconception & Fertility Health ft. Gaby Barboza

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Gaby Barboza is a RN and Holistic Nutritionist empowered by intentional mind, body & soul healing. She is the founder of Lively & Well, which focuses on preconception & fertility health with clients as well as bioindividual support through areas such as gut, hormone & blood sugar support. She is fascinated by the ability to change the trajectory of our health & lives through daily nutritional and lifestyle nourishment. 

You will learn about...

How early to start preparing your body for conception 
Potential implications of coming off the hormonal birth control pill 
Vitamins to focus on in perinatal period and what to look for when choosing a prenatal  
The importance of consuming nutrient-dense whole foods 
Fertility awareness methods 
The role gut health plays in the connection between hormone balance and absorption of nutrients 
Why stress management and optimizing sleep are necessary 
The harm of xenoestrogens and how to reduce your toxic load 
Lifestyle tips and recommendations for men to support quality of sperm 
4th trimester foods that facilitate healing from the inside out 


Instagram: @gabymbarboza
Book: Taking Charge of Your Fertility
Trusted supplements (*please check with Dr. first): 15% off Fullscript & 15% off Wellevate with code GABY10
Perfect Supplements: Liver capsules, Collagen, Vit C, Gelatin with code GABY10
TempDrop (or any affordable BBT as long as you don't have contraindications mentioned)
Primally Pure (body products) and Thrive Market (food and home)
Gaby’s Main(e) Tip for Moms: “Go to therapy and see a pelvic floor specialist.” 

Connect with Mackenzi:

Instragram: @mommyandmaine
Email: mommyandmaine@gmail.com

003 | Preconception & Fertility Health ft. Gaby Barboza

003 | Preconception & Fertility Health ft. Gaby Barboza
Release Date
