Balancing Expectations and Goals: The Path to Effective Coaching

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What if there existed a fail-proof strategy for effective team leadership, one that harmonizes expectations and goals? Brace yourself as we reveal the secret to success in leadership and coaching in our first podcast episode of the year! This discussion not only sets the tone for the year but also lays down the framework for successful coaching relationships. We dissect the first conversation into four main quadrants; Your expectations, their expectations, your goals, and their goals. We introduce you to a unique concept, the "teeter totter", a critical balancing act between what a leader expects from a team member and what that individual desires to achieve. We delve deeper into how to maintain this balance, setting the stage for productive coaching relationships. We further explore how to identify target areas for coaching and foster a balance between expectations and goals. So, ready to redefine your leadership style? Sit tight, and let's sail through the year with renewed focus and energy!Welcome to Coaching Conversations We have created a NEW service called Coach 2 YOU where leaders can assist short targeted 7 to 21 day programs to coach their employees without ANY of their own time to truly partner and assist in the coaching process. Get more info here: our Approachability & Coachability series where we use a webinar-based coahcing apporoach to develop all employees to become approachable and coahcble. This leads to better teamwork for leadership and organizational culture improvementGet more info here:

Balancing Expectations and Goals: The Path to Effective Coaching

Balancing Expectations and Goals: The Path to Effective Coaching
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