The Thriller Killer

Release Date:

Bottoms up, Trailer Tribe! Season 3 is here! The ladies catch up from the last diary and the current state of the Trailer Park.  The power went out recently causing a commotion leading to karaoke starting late and Shawn not being able to finish blow drying her hair. The new Diary entitled “The Thriller Killer is now on the table and a drink called “The Smooth Criminal” is being served. The new diary gets cracked open  and the ladies find out it's the late 80’s and “Karl, The Mission Bay Medium” has found himself involved in some mysterious crimes and shady encounters in and about the greater San Diego area. A series of characters gets introduced in what appears to be “ A Whodunnit.”
“SMOOTH CRIMINAL” - Iced Coffee - whip cream, chocolate chips garnished with nutmeg.

The Thriller Killer

The Thriller Killer
Release Date
