New Music Showcase: "Quilt Floor" from Mama Zu

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TRAPPO has returned with another New Music Showcase this month, because we have listened to the people and know exactly what you want. This week, we're talking about Quilt Floor, the debut album from a band that doesn't exist called Mama Zu. This album's journey to completion is a long and bittersweet one, so let's just jump right in, shall we?

We strongly encourage you to read Mama Zu producer Linwood Regensberg's account of finishing the album he recorded with late bandmate and friend Jessie Zazu at Talkhouse by CLICKING RIGHT HERE. It's well worth your time.

And if you'd like to check out Quilt Floor for yourself, just CLICK HERE to visit their Bandcamp page and listen at your leisure.

It's a New Music Showcase, so of course there's a poll. Do you think Quilt Floor belongs in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Just CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and vote. The fate of Quilt Floor is up to you, dear listener. So vote. Get on that.

While you're hanging around on the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE), why don't you scroll down just a little bit and leave a comment? Tell us what you think about Mama Zu, Those Darlins, or whatever else is on your mind. We'd love to hear whatever you have to say. And if what you have to say can't be constrained by a pitiful blog comment, just CLICK HERE to share your prodigious thoughts via email! We'll be your friends for life.

We're also all over social media for some inexplicable reason. Just CLICK HERE to follow TRAPPO on Instagram and CLICK HERE to join us on Threads, and we can have a whole lot of fun together, shitposting and sharing memes and just generally getting into shenanigans, which is always a great decision.

Thanks for listening!


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New Music Showcase: "Quilt Floor" from Mama Zu

New Music Showcase: "Anatomy Of Sight" by Malka
Release Date
