Indie Diary #39: Lorena Cáceres Arias - Designing Puzzles, Developing in Spain, Carving Your Own Path

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In this episode, I spent some time with Mycelium Heaven developer Lorena Cáceres Arias, a game development and math student with a burning passion for developing engaging puzzle games that people will love to play. Lorena started playing all the way back in the Flash era, and her passion hasn't gone out since then. This is also a slightly shorter episode than usual, which will be a breath of fresh air to some! Enjoy!
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Indie Diary #39: Lorena Cáceres Arias - Designing Puzzles, Developing in Spain, Carving Your Own Path

Indie Diary #39: Lorena Cáceres Arias - Designing Puzzles, Developing in Spain, Carving Your Own Path
Release Date
