Fashion psychologist, Shakaila Forbes Bell, on how to consume clothing more mindfully

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In this episode I'm joined by fashion psychologist (!) Shakaila Forbes Bell to discuss the complex relationship we have with our clothes, and how we can consume clothes in a more positive, mindful and conscious way. 

how clothes relate to our identity
how our self esteem relates to the way we shop
Shakaila's 4, 3, 2, 1 rule for mindful clothing consumption
how we can embrace fashion psychology to foster greater enjoyment of our clothing
a psychologists take on where we go from here in terms of our obsession with consumption

Where to find Shakaila and her work:
Book: Big Dress Energy, available at all good book stores
Instagram: @shakailaelise and @fashionispsychology
Website: See for privacy information.

Fashion psychologist, Shakaila Forbes Bell, on how to consume clothing more mindfully

Fashion psychologist, Shakaila Forbes Bell, on how to consume clothing more mindfully
Release Date
