Episode 33: Beyond A[S]B -- Scintillating Sounds of Science

Release Date:

Do we have to explore astronomy data with our eyes? What if we used our ears?  In this episode, we explore these and other questions in the growing field of sonification. Find out what an interstellar pancake sounds like, discover the piano sonatas of a Martian atmosphere and an unusual stellar explosion, and learn how astronomer Garry Foran at Swinburne University, despite a visual impairment, sees deeper into space than most to study the properties of high-redshift star-forming galaxies. Plus, we announce our sonification contest! We can’t wait to hear what you come up with. Click the link below for details and to submit your audio piece.
Astro[sound]bites Sonification Contest: astrosoundbites.com/sonification-competition-2021
Data from Sonifications:
Alex: www.wis-tns.org/object/2005bf
Malena: www.nature.com/articles/nature25020 
Will: (pre-print of my accepted paper: http://williamrsaunders.com/Saunders_et_al_2021.pdf)
Benefits of Sonification: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019IAUS..339..251C/abstract
StarSound: https://www.jeffreyhannam.com/starsound
Astronify: https://astronify.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Astronify email: astronify@stsci.edu 
TwoTone: https://twotone.io/
miditime: github.com/cirlabs/miditime

Episode 33: Beyond A[S]B -- Scintillating Sounds of Science

Episode 33: Beyond A[S]B -- Scintillating Sounds of Science
Release Date
