Ep7: Move More Freely Through Life - Judy Fasone MSN-ED, RN, CTP, HWNC-BC, AHN-BC

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Move More Freely Through Life - Judy Fasone MSN-ED, RN, CTP, HWNC-BC, AHN-BC Highlights“My focus is self-care through movement, to move more freely, and I call it a moving meditation. Because if we slow our movements down and really become more aware of how things are working, it changes our whole way of being in the world.” ~Judy FasoneWhen you move more freely, it allows you to follow your heart, and this offers many more opportunities to feel joy and happiness.Combining Nurse Coaching with other modalities one is passionate about allows Nurse Coaching to become more personalized to the Nurse and to clients, patients, and communities.Nurse Coaches are entrepreneurs, and can also work in more traditional Nursing roles.Nurse Coaching reduces the use, impact, and burden to the healthcare system, because the skills of a Nurse Coach help people understand they can learn to rely on their own wisdom.  It also helps them act earlier, instead of waiting for illness to happen.Shifting Nursing practice to telehealth and becoming more comfortable in the virtual space opens more opportunities for Nurse Coaches to reach into their communities.Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integr Our mission is to provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting  Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integr Our mission is to provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!

Ep7: Move More Freely Through Life - Judy Fasone MSN-ED, RN, CTP, HWNC-BC, AHN-BC

Ep7: Move More Freely Through Life - Judy Fasone MSN-ED, RN, CTP, HWNC-BC, AHN-BC
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