Creating Static Sites in Rust with Vincent Prouillet

Release Date:

Vincent is the creator of Zola (Formerly Gutenburg), a Static Site Generator built with Rust and Tera, a Jinja2-like template engine.If you create a site with Zola, Vincent would appreciate you adding your site to the EXAMPLES file in the repository.You can also take a look at the source for this website which is currently built with Zola.Vincent ProuilletPersonal Site@20100ProuilletZolaZola WebsiteZola ForumTools/Crates used by Zolapulldown-cmark (Markdown)syntec (Syntax highlighting using Sublime Text definitions)rayon (Parallel computation)heaptrack (Memory Profiler)Static Site HostsGithub PagesNetlifyCrates for Web ApplicationsjsonwebtokenBcryptValidatorCompiled Template EnginesaskamamaudhorrowshowRuntime Template EnginesTera (Jinja2-like HTML template engine)ramhornsrust-mustacheStatic Site GeneratorsHugoJekyllPelicanOther linksForestry (WYSIWYG CMS for Static Sites)Keyword Arguments RFCkickstart (Scaffolding tool)Timestamps [00:00:19] What's a static site generator? [00:03:12] How easy is it to build and edit a site? [00:07:18] Why create a new static site generator? [00:11:55] The Tera template engine and Vincent's experience building it [00:17:13] Creating filters and tests to use with Tera [00:23:49] What's a taxonomy? [00:25:08] Mapping content to URLs [00:30:13] The experience of being an open source maintainer [00:33:17] Rust crates and features used by Zola [00:36:17] How the Rust ecosystem ensured fast performance [00:39:55] Is Rust ready for web applications? [00:42:45] What applications are best suited to Rust now? [00:46:10] Issues or things you wish existed in Rust? [00:50:28] Helping out with Zola

Creating Static Sites in Rust with Vincent Prouillet

Creating Static Sites in Rust with Vincent Prouillet
Release Date
