Cashmere Goats

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Recently the Cashmere Goat Association voted to make Cashmere goats a breed. Prior to that vote, a "cashmere" goat was just a goat with a specific type of cashmere fiber. Although all goats have a cashmere undercoat, cashmere goats must have fiber of a specific length, and they must produce at least 2 ounces per year.In this episode I'm having a conversation with Christine Hulse, secretary of the Cashmere Goat Association, talking about the breed standard, as well as the fiber standards. Christine talks about why people raise Cashmere goats, how to harvest the fiber, and what you can do with their fiber.See full show notes here >> see the most recent episodes, visit  ForTheLoveOfGoats.comWant to support the content you love?Head over to -- for listening!No one ever said raising goats was easy, but it doesn't have to cost a fortune or drive you crazy! You just need the right information. Click here to learn more about our Goats 365 membership. Or see my other goat courses in Thrifty Homesteader Academy.

Cashmere Goats

Cashmere Goats
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