Beat the Burnout series #4: 7 steps to keep your sanity over the holidays | Planning for the summer vacation | Cycle syncing, time management and organisation hacks for working mums

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Hey friend!
Summer is upon us, the kids are finishing school and you might be thinking how am I going to manage all this?
Today on the podcast learn my 7 steps t help you keep your sanity over the holidays. Simple steps to get organised and kick overwhelm toe the curb!
If you find it helpful please send it to a friend or leave me a review on ITunes
Love and light
SJ x
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Are you feeling stuck, running on autopilot or overwhelmed with your do do list??
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Do you know what needs to happen next but not how to make it happen?
Have you tried everything you can think of and are still struggling?
My Productivity Power Hour is the answer! 
A simple one-hour zoom call to help you get unstuck from a problem. If you want to work through a specific problem with support, get clear on your next step forward or just need an objective ear for an hour - this is for you!
You get  an hour of one-on-one time with me dedicated to helping you face whatever challenge is standing in your way to success.  
You will leave feeling confident, clear and ready to take action towards your goal. 

Beat the Burnout series #4: 7 steps to keep your sanity over the holidays | Planning for the summer vacation | Cycle syncing, time management and organisation hacks for working mums

Beat the Burnout series #4: 7 steps to keep your sanity over the holidays | Planning for the summer vacation | Cycle syncing, time management and organisation hacks for working mums
Release Date
