Ashoka Houlahan - Cellular Rejuvenation Techniques

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This week I'm excited to welcome Ashoka Houlahan to the podcast. Ashoka is the founder of Quantum Uplift, which is the next generation in wellness centers that incorporates leading edge research with advanced equipment and technology. In this episode, we discuss cellular health, the everyday practices that could negatively impact ourselves, and the strategies and technology on offer that can help. Over to Ashoka. Some questions asked during this episode:  What everyday practices could be negatively impacting our cellular health? How does the technology you offer support cellular health? What is the quantum field? I'm excited to welcome Ashoka Houlahan to the podcast. Ashoka is the founder of Quantum Uplift, which is the next generation in wellness centers that incorporates leading edge research with advanced equipment and technology. In this episode, we discuss cellular health, the everyday practices that could negatively impact ourselves, and the strategies and technology on offer that can help. Over to Ashoka. (01:13) Hey, guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition. And I am delighted to welcome Ashoka Houlahan to the podcast. Ashoka, how are you, mate? Ashoka (01:22) Well, thanks, Stuart. Thanks for having me on the program. Stu (01:24) No, thank you so much for sharing some of your time, and we've got some very interesting questions that I want to put to you today because I know that we've got many people out there that have lots of different thoughts and perspectives on some of the things that we're going to speak to you about a little bit later on. So before we dive into those, and for all of those that may not be familiar with you or your work or your company, et cetera, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please. Ashoka (01:52) Yeah, okay, thank you. Okay, so I'll try and keep this super brief but relevant for the future conversation. So I guess my original background was as a chemical engineer. And so as part of a chemical engineer, when I came out of school, I went to university, studied physics, chemistry, maths. And I had a trainee shift, which meant I worked as a chemical engineer by day and studied at night and did a hard slog for many, many years, but had a science and analytical background. That went well for a number of years, I was full of ambition and drive. I would best describe myself back then as I was young, egotistical, intellectual, and a little bit arrogant, so as I reflect back on myself. And that got me through life to a certain point, but due to my heavy workload and uni load, I quickly drove myself into the ground, found myself with a near midlife crisis around the age of 22. To view full interview and transcript:

Ashoka Houlahan - Cellular Rejuvenation Techniques

Ashoka Houlahan - Cellular Rejuvenation Techniques
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