Are You Unhappy In Your Parenting?

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Your Stories Are Making You UnhappyOne of the things I've noticed recently is that there are a lot of unhappy parents and teens out there. This is something that I've been coaching on regularly for the past several months. And, to be honest, this is something that I've been struggling with in my own life recently. Then recently I heard my coach say, . . . "Unhappiness comes from the gap between where your current lifeis (story) and where you think it should be (story). That gap in between is the'unhappiness gap'.” ~ Jim FortinThe truth is, EVERYTHING is a story. Be The Hero Of Your StoriesAnother thing that causes unhappiness, and one that I am a master at, is positioning yourself as the victim in your story. I do this all the time. I blame the guy who cut me off, or my wife or business partner for a disagreement. The problem is, anytime you blame someone else, you position yourself as the victim in your story. If you or your teen are unhappy, check your stories. Are you blaming someone or something outside of your control?If the answer is "Yes," that's awesome news because YOU have the power to be the hero of your stories. Start Developing New StoriesThere's a trend in life coaching to really focus on what you are thinking. This isn't bad, and I love thought awareness, but I think there's also power in focusing on HOW you are thinking. Blaming is a way of thinking. Catastrophizing is a way of thinking. On the other hand, being accountable or taking responsibility are ways of thinking.  As you change how you think, you will start practicing new stories. You can do this both on the individual level of WHAT you are thinking and on the bigger picture of HOW you are thinking. Want to Be Happier? Tell Better Stories. There was a time when my business was new, we weren't making much money, and we had to get help from our church to provide food for my family. I remember thinking things like:I'm a failure. My business isn't working. I should quit. This isn't working. It's the market's fault.As I did some self coaching, I started replacing my old stories with more helpful stories like:This is an opportunity for me to grow from desperation. This will be a good story to help inspire future clients. If I can get through this, I can get through anything. Making sense of your past or current trials and struggles is kind of like connecting the dots between where you were and are and where you want to be. Making sense of your life is simply choosing the stories that you will tell and the interpretations you will make. Merry Christmas!I want to give YOU a FREE GIFT, my podcast-mini-series to help YOU grow as a parent. Take the free Parent Trap quiz If you have a teen you should take this Parent Trap Quiz .It will help you uncover specific parenting patterns that might be hindering your relationship with your teen. By identifying your Parent Trap, you gain the tools to have better communication, resolve conflicts, and build greater confidence in your parenting decisions. This self-awareness ultimately strengthens your relationship with your teen, which leads to a more open and harmonious connection. This quiz is your gateway to becoming the parent of your dreams and paving the way for a happier and healthier family life.TAKE THE QUIZAlready taken the quiz? Check out my New ABSOLUTELY FREE Audio Course: Parenting from the Inside Out!🎧 LISTEN HERE!

Are You Unhappy In Your Parenting?

Are You Unhappy In Your Parenting?
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