Applied to Haiti: The Prosperity Paradox

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There have been many books on development written and cited by academics from around the world. We will try to focus on those listed within the syllabi of respected universities. It is important for the reader to understand that StimPack is new in its mission to lead development efforts in Haiti. This is an audacious mission considering the many brilliant minds that have preceded us. However, our approach is far more humble than it might initially appear. We intend to stand on the shoulders of our experienced predecessors, leveraging their experimentation and resulting wisdom to move this work forward. StimPack also realizes the value of development work done outside of Haiti that may have significant value within it. This article will work to apply to Haiti the ideas of the late Clayton M. Christensen of Harvard Business School and his co-authors Efosa Ojomo and Karen Dillon as taught in their book The Prosperity Paradox. We hope you will find this a valuable exercise. This will not be a summary or thorough book report. We have instead extracted a few points we find relevant to Haiti.

Applied to Haiti: The Prosperity Paradox

Applied to Haiti: The Prosperity Paradox
Release Date
