Annie Clarke: Relationships, defining our boundaries, building a community

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Hello and welcome back to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell and I’m a Nutritional Therapist, Breathwork Coach and Auricular Acupuncturist, and this is my podcast series all about health, functional medicine, sustainability, finding connection, diet and so much more.
I’m beyond excited to introduce you to the wonderful Annie Clark of Mind Body Bowl. Annie is one of the most intelligent, articulate, compassionate and downright kind souls I’ve had the pleasure to interview for my podcast and, in light of the current Corona virus situation, I hope you will find this episode on connection incredibly poignant. Annie and I recorded this at a time where we could frivolously condemn the “fake” connection via social media in favour of true, meaningful, physical connection with our community.
Well I think one thing that this current social distancing situation is showing us is that actually, we all have (thank goodness) at our fingertips an incredible resource through which we can find some comfort and connection during this difficult time.
This is one of those episodes that just gets better and better as it goes on, and I really hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed chatting to Annie.
As a final note, I’ve made available via my website a £5 eBook on Immunity. It contains my 4 main recommendations for supporting our bodies right now, and delves someway into the science behind how the immune system works. There’s no supplements, food recommendations (although there are a few recipes at the back), or expensive potions for you to buy 0 just sound, scientific advice on supporting you body’s first line of defence. I hope it helps you.

Annie Clarke: Relationships, defining our boundaries, building a community

Annie Clarke: Relationships, defining our boundaries, building a community
Release Date
