109 - A conversation with four international school librarians from around the globe

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A conversation with four international school librarians from around the globe, looking at how libraries are navigating accelerated change, amplifying the importance of information literacy,  promoting  reading, DEIJ collections and the creative tensions brought about by AI and 24/7 connectivity. Together they share their learnings and different approaches in managing a library in an international school setting, and the opportunities and challenges.
Tracey Fish Lower 
School Librarian 
International School of Luxembourg
Jaye Shaer
Head Librarian 
Western Academy of Beijing 
Jaye Shaer is the High School Librarian and Extended Essay Coordinator at the Western Academy of Beijing.  Jaye has worked as an educator for more than 25 years first as an English teacher and then for the last 18 years as a Middle School and High School librarian.  She has led workshops for teachers and librarians on AI integration in schools, LGBTQIA+ representation in the library, librarians and the Extended Essay and starting a school library makerspace.
Email: jaye_shaer@wab.edu
Marion van Engelen
High School Librarian
Branksome Hall Asia
Marion van Engelen is HS Librarian at Branksome Hall Asia, in South Korea, and has worked as a Librarian in 8 international schools for more than 25 years. She is one of the founding members of the Shanghai Librarians Network. Marion has presented on information literacyand CIS Accreditation  at conferences and enjoys the opportunity this gives to collaborate with colleagues from all over the world. Marion tries to learn the local language of every country that she has lived in, with varying results, but it was always fun and worth the effort. She is also an experienced and qualified yoga instructor, offering classes to her colleagues and older students.
Resources I love:
* www.Elicit.org (although they are going behind a paywall I gather)
* ChatGPT (if used in the right way, with good prompts)
*Ditchthattextbook.com (great tips and templates to keep your teaching fresh, plus AI support)
*Down Dog Yoga app (almost free, great app to get your daily yoga in, customisable time and level)
* EE website of Branksome Hall Asia With many thanks to Jeri Hurd for creating this! If you like it, copy the site and customise to make it your own.
Kim Tyo-Dickerson 
Head of Libraries & Upper School Librarian 
International School of Amsterdam
Kim Tyo-Dickerson is the Upper School Librarian and Head of Libraries at the International School of Amsterdam. Kim has a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) from Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York, a Master of Arts in English and a Bachelor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. She is one of the founding members of the grassroots professional learning project International Teacher Librarians Lead (inTLlead) and is committed to world libraries, literatures, and literacies. Originally from the United States, she has lived on three continents and worked in international school libraries for 17 years in Europe and Africa. Kim’s languages include English, German, and Dutch.
International Librarians Lead - inTLlead.org 
How We Read Now: Strategic Choices for Print, Screen, and Audio by Naomi S. Baron
Also available with OC/OU lending model on OverDrive
NoodleTools Research Management Platform - “Citing ChatGPT, Bard and other AI tools”
“Artificial intelligence in IB assessment and education: a crisis or an opportunity?”
“Why ChatGPT is an opportunity for schools” by Dr Matthew Glanville, Head of Assessment Principles and Practice, published 28 February 2023 in The Sunday Times
John Mikton on Social Media
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jmikton/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jmikton
Web: beyonddigital.org
Dan Taylor on social media:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dantcz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanTaylorAE
Web: www.appsevents.com
Listen on: iTunes / Podbean / Stitcher / Spotify / YouTube
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109 - A conversation with four international school librarians from around the globe

109 - A conversation with four international school librarians from around the globe
Release Date
