#54: Stories from Leadville 100

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This year Tyler Andrews was one of the elite contenders in the men's field for the Leadville 100. He had previously run there in 2021 placing 16th overall and this year he placed 4th overall with a time of 18:40:04! He has had some pretty serious FKTs on the high-altitude trails in Chile, Ecuador and Peru as part of a journey dubbed the Los 10 FKT Project. He’s also a two-time U.S. Olympic Trials Marathon qualifier with a personal best of 2:15:52. 
Jeff Iosa also ran out at the Leadville 100 this year making it to 62 Miles. His 2022 schedule has been busy with the Long Haul 100, Black Canyon 100k, Old Dominion, crewing at the Western States 100, the Vermont 100 and of course Leadville. With Leadville being the bump in the road, Jeff still has the Wasatch 100 as part of the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning Series. 
 Brian Sharbono and Robert Sterba also have run the Leadville 100, they completed the course in the 2021 race placing 43rd (23:42:12) and 179th (28:52:08). Brian has recently placed 2nd overall at the Umstead 100 and won the Long Play Trail Run and the Monroe Cross Trail 50 Mile. Robert has also recently completed the RUT in Big Sky, MT. He has also run races like the Bandera 100k, Azalea 24 Hour, Long Haul 100, and has his sights set on Pinhoti (where Jeff and Brian met in the bathroom line back in 2018). 

#54: Stories from Leadville 100

#54: Stories from Leadville 100
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