#48: Chloe Condon - An Actress who Quit her Job as an Office Manager and Became a Software Engineer

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Based in San Francisco, Hackbright Academy is focused on teaching women how to code. We're recording several interviews with Hackbright graduates including our guest today, Chloe Condon.

Growing up in a family of artists in the Bay Area, Chloe ended up working at startups by day and performing as a theater actress by night. Prior to her current role as a Developer Evangelist at Codefresh, Chloe held a number of jobs including an Account Executive at Yelp and an office manager role at another startup.

In one of her previous jobs working as an Executive Assistant to the CEO of NewCo, she attended an event that changed her life and put her on a trajectory to study software engineering through Hackbright Academy.

#48: Chloe Condon - An Actress who Quit her Job as an Office Manager and Became a Software Engineer

#48: Chloe Condon - An Actress who Quit her Job as an Office Manager and Became a Software Engineer
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