#478: Overrated/Underrated: Fasting, Overhead Pressing, Blood Flow Restriction, & More

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Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training has gained popularity in recent years.  But is it overrated?  What about the countless other concepts, theories, and methods in strength training? At times it can be hard to tell the real from the fake. Let's clear some of that up today. I had you guys send in your questions, and I'm here with my take on whether I feel these (and others) are overrated or underrated:  Protein powder? [2:20] Calf raises? [3:56] Overhead pressing? [7:24] Chains? [11:26] Intra-workout nutrition? [12:56] Blood flow restriction? [17:16] Fasting? [28:31] Sponsors Nootopia: All day energy, clarity, and focus without the jitters and crashes. Enhance your mental performance, boost you immunity, and get that glowing, healthy skin we all desire by going to nootopia.com/jaygenius and be sure to use the coupon code JAY10 to save 10%.  Impossible Sleep: There are countless supplements that promise to knock you out, but don't actually help you sleep better. This isn't one of them. With no sugar, melatonin or other unnatural sleep aids, you'll sleep better, wake up rested, and perform better day in and day out. Check out https://tinyurl.com/ImpossibleSleep and use the coupon code RENEGADE to save 20% on your first subscription and get your FREE Sleep Reset kit. 

#478: Overrated/Underrated: Fasting, Overhead Pressing, Blood Flow Restriction, & More

#478: Overrated/Underrated: Fasting, Overhead Pressing, Blood Flow Restriction, & More
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