#118: Free Worksheets to Figure Out How to Price Your Products

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Get the Free Pricing Worksheets HERE. 13 years ago, when I brought home my first milk cow, I just figured I'd charge a buck less than the neighbor was charging. Yes, that was my pricing strategy! I oh-so-quickly learned that was not a strategy, and not only that, it was a fast-track to broke if I kept it up! And I know this is one of the most common struggles among us all, because I get the emails & FB/IG messages daily: "How do I figure out what to charge for my (chicken, flowers, CSA)?" "How do I stay below the neighbor's price but still make a profit?" "How do I figure in my wage? My losses?" "How do I deal with customers who challenge my prices? Pricing strategy involves so much more than just seeing what the neighbors are charging. Farmers very quickly become aware that their prices must be more than the grocery store because on our non-industrial farmers we just don't have the economy of scale that corporate farms have. Therefore, our prices will be higher, and this means, people new to buying from farmers might not understand why. Once my clients decide what to charge, then comes the mind drama - how do I explain this to my customers? In today's episode on the Profitable Mindset Podcast, I walk you through how to raise your prices with ease and avoid the drama in your mind - and your customers' minds. So many farmers want to justify their prices by explaining the costs involved or explaining the pricing process. Tune in and hear why this will backfire in your business and create doubt in your customers' minds, and what to do instead. Today's episode will help you shift from doubt or guilt or tempted to prove your price, to a place of self-confidence and "in-service" to your customers. When you make this shift to self-confidence, it becomes so much easier to run your farm and charge a profitable price AND maintain a great connection with your customers. Tune in to Episode 118 by clicking the link above, and let's get your prices up where they need to be. Charlotte

#118: Free Worksheets to Figure Out How to Price Your Products

#118: Free Worksheets to Figure Out How to Price Your Products
Release Date
