Work with Us in the Immersion

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Short episode summaryWith two decades of teaching running techniques, Coach Valerie knows a lot about how to run without pain. Coach Caroline helps navigate the mindset side of things. Tune into learn about the immersion program that will help you become a better runner in body and mind!Timestamps of big takeawaysImportance of Focus[00:49] Coach Valerie emphasizes the importance of focus when it comes to running - especially when learning new movements. Coaches Valerie and Caroline teach both new and experienced runners to be more efficient in their movement with the use of focus.About The Immersion Program[02:21] The immersion can help injured runners with modified practices, such as static and self-care practices, specially curated for their needs. The immersion’s four-week focus course allows runners to adjust and grasp new movements.[03:40] You can work on these practices in the privacy of your own home - even during winter on a treadmill! Coach Valerie offers coaching in two ways: through video check-ins and by reaching out to the group via email.[04:33] Through the immersion you will also get the opportunity to send Coach Valerie a running video so she can better help you correct your movement. And, with the immersion program, you will have access to our community of runners, and it's nice sometimes to interact with other people going through the same thing you are.Clinics vs Online Consultation[05:45] In Coach Valerie’s in-person clinic sessions, there might be 20-plus students. There can be difficulty focusing on each student. But with Zoom meetings, students can send her their movement videos, and she can concentrate, give them modified practices for their concerns, and answer every one of their queries.Rate, Review & Subscribe ReminderDon’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!Links to check out-- FREE 30-day reboot on YouTube by RunRX Follow us on Facebook and Instagram Have questions? Email us at

Work with Us in the Immersion

Work with Us in the Immersion
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