Join the April Virtual Clinic

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Short episode summaryCan you learn how to run in a virtual class? Yes! Learn why you should sign up for our virtual clinic!Timestamps of big takeawaysWe’re Gearing Up for Another Virtual Clinic[00:22] The biggest question we get is, can I really learn to run virtually? And, the basic answer is yes! Absolutely, you can!Virtual Running Clinic: The Benefits and Accommodations[01:25] If you can’t be on the live calls, that’s okay. We record all the calls and you can catch up. And, if you have questions, you can ask them and we’ll answer for the benefit of the entire group.[02:42] If you’re injured, it’s the best time to join the clinic because you can learn how to recover and prevent injuries in the future.Benefits of a Gate Analysis for Runners[04:50] One of the most important things we do during the clinic is provide a Gait Analysis for our runners. This is key because it tells us exactly what you need to change to improve your standard of movement and perform better overall.Why You Should Join The Clinic Now[06:24] If you have been thinking about joining the clinic, now is the time. We only do this a few times a year. So take advantage of the offering and join us!Rate, Review & Subscribe ReminderDon’t forget to like and subscribe to our show. You can also rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts! We’re on Spotify as well!Links to check out-- FREE 30-day reboot on YouTube by RunRX Follow us on Facebook and Instagram Have questions? Email us at

Join the April Virtual Clinic

Join the April Virtual Clinic
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