Effortless Swimming w/ Brenton Ford

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Welcome to episode 237 of the Löw Tide Böyz - A Swimrun Podcast!We’ve got a great episode for everyone this week. Joining to talk about all things swimming is the founder of Effortless Swimming: Brenton Ford. If you’re not following their IG account for the wealth of swim tips that they share, you will by then of this conversation!But first…Training UpdateWith ÖTILLÖ Whistler in our rear view mirror, we have a couple of races coming up in quick succession with the Folsom Swimrun in a week and ÖTILLÖ Casco Bay in three-ish weeks. We’ll be training through Folsom and getting in some longer swims to get ready for the ocean swims in Maine.Shoutout/Feats of EnduranceThis week we are doing a combo to highlight everyone that raced Rockman over the weekend. Once again this epic race didn’t disappoint. For those who don’t know, this year’s edition of the race was 51 kms in distance with 6 kms of swimming in chilly fjord waters and 45 kms of “extreme” trail running. Oh, and there is almost 12,000’ of elevation gain on the course! Literally everyone that lined up for that race is a legend in our book.Make sure to sign up for our LTBz Strava Club and join Swimrunners from around the world as they train for stuff.Show BusinessInterested in joining us in Casco Bay or signing up for another ÖTILLÖ race in North America? Then use the code LOWTIDE15 to save 15% on your race registration for all their remaining 2024 events.Interested in getting a pair of FORM Smart Swim 1 or Smart Swim 2 goggles? Send us a DM or email and we’ll give you a code for 15% off.Effortless Swimming with Brenton FordIt was great to chat with Brenton. We’ve watched so many of his videos and it was great to chat with him about his coaching philosophy, the importance of a strong core, and get his thoughts on what key Swimrun-specific swim sessions could look like. Learn more at effortlessswimming.com.Enjoy!~~~That’s it for this week’s show. If you are enjoying the Löw Tide Böyz, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player and leave us a five-star rating and review since that’s the best way for people to discover the show and the sport of Swimrun. You can find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and on YouTube. Check out our website for Swimrun resources including gear guides, tips, how-to videos and so much more. Also make sure to check out our meme page @thelowtideboyz on Instagram. If you have any suggestions for the show or questions for us, send us a dm or an email at lowtideboyz@gmail.com. Finally, you can support our efforts on Patreon…if you feel so inclined.Thanks for listening and see you out there!-  Chip and Chris

Effortless Swimming w/ Brenton Ford

Effortless Swimming w/ Brenton Ford
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