Strep Throat | group A streptococcus/strep pyogenes pharyngitis

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GAS pharyngitis is associated with a few important complications. They are usually divided in suppurative and non-suppurative - i.e. purulent and non purulent complications. The main non-suppurative complications are post-strep glomerulonephritis and acute rheumatic fever (which we did an episode on recently). A couple of the serious suppurative complications to be aware of is a peritonsillar or retropharyngeal abscess.  In general, antibiotics are over-prescribed for pharyngitis. Australian guidelines these days actually only advise antibiotics in patients who are at higher risk of the “non-suppurative” complications of GAS infection. Links and resources: Follow us on Instagram @yourekiddingrightdoctors Facebook: Our email is Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW so you don’t miss out on any pearls of wisdom and RATE if you can to help other people find us! (This isn’t individual medical advice, please use your own clinical judgement and local guidelines when caring for your patients)

Strep Throat | group A streptococcus/strep pyogenes pharyngitis

Strep Throat | group A streptococcus/strep pyogenes pharyngitis
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