318. Continuing in FAITH

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The missionaries came for dinner and shared a spiritual thought. The newest missionary shared a spiritual insight from his personal scripture. Studying Alma 38 about Shiblon really touched him. That led my thoughts back to myself when I was a teenager and I was experiencing different emotions around my friendships and the church. At 15, 16, one night while I was laying in bed, I read Alma 38 which showed me how much Heavenly Father was aware of me and my life. He knows us all and wants to remind us that he is always close by and aware of our needs and desires.
Alma 38:
2 And now, my son, I trust that I shall have great joy in you, because of your steadiness and your faithfulness unto God; for as you have commenced in your youth to look to the Lord your God, even so I hope that you will continue in keeping his commandments; for blessed is he that endureth to the end.
3 I say unto you, my son, that I have had great joy in thee already, because of thy faithfulness and thy diligence, and thy patience and thy long-suffering among the people of the Zoramites.
5 And now my son, Shiblon, I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day.


318. Continuing in FAITH

318. Continuing in FAITH
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