Understanding the profound connections First Nations have with the land - L-għarfien tar-rabtiet profondi tal-Ewwel Nazzjonijiet mal-art

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The land holds a profound spiritual significance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, intricately intertwined with their identity, belonging, and way of life. - L-art għandha sinifikat spiritwali profond għall-popli Aboriġini u Torres Strait Islander. Hija marbuta ħaġa waħda mal-identità tagħhom, sens ta’ appartenenza u l-mod tal-ħajja tagħhom.

Understanding the profound connections First Nations have with the land - L-għarfien tar-rabtiet profondi tal-Ewwel Nazzjonijiet mal-art

Understanding the profound connections First Nations have with the land - L-għarfien tar-rabtiet profondi tal-Ewwel Nazzjonijiet mal-art
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