The Child Broker

Release Date:

The Equalizer Season 3 Episode 13: The Child Broker
Aired on CBS: January 20, 1988
Directed by: Mark Sobel
Written by : Mick Curran
Featuring: Sam Rockwell, Frank Whaley, Jerry O'Connell, Anthony LaPaglia, Max Casella, Christopher Collet, Thomas G. Waites, Lycia Naff
If absolutely nothing else, just check out that cast list. There's a new gang leader on the dire streets of NYC and he's turning on impressionable teens to the rough life: robbing pawn shops, running around, and basking in their misdeeds in their abandoned underground amusement park. You just don't want to get messed up with them, though if you do, you're pretty much guaranteed steady work in the entertainment business for at least forty years. The crazy plot itself would be more at home in a comic book, but this episode is definitely worth it for to see their recognizable faces in what seems like an extended headshot session for their "tough guy" shot.
equalizerspodcast at gmail dot com

The Child Broker

The Child Broker
Release Date
