Ep. 5 | The ONLY Biblically Correct Answer to Every Bible Question

Release Date:

There is one thing that you absolutely must do—and a lot of things you shouldn’t—if you want to correctly understand the Bible. In this episode, Kevin reveals how to reliably and consistently get the ONLY biblically correct answer to every single Bible question, every single time.


00:00 | Intro

01:37 | Over-reliance on others’ teachings

05:09 | Taking responsibility for ourselves

09:10 | How Spiritualizing impedes the word

13:03 | How Emotionalizing impedes the word

15:40 | How Rationalizating impedes the word

18:55 | The answer to EVERY Bible question

24:30 | Conclusion

WATCH ON YOUTUBE • https://bcpodca.st/y/ep5

Ep. 5 | The ONLY Biblically Correct Answer to Every Bible Question

Ep. 5 | The ONLY Biblically Correct Answer to Every Bible Question
Release Date
