April 2022 Astrological Forecast by Kerry Shamblin

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April begins and ends with a new Moon, the first on April 1 in Pisces and the second on April 30 in Aries manifesting as a partial solar eclipse. This first eclipse of 2022 is paired with a total lunar eclipse on May 15-16.In between, we are looking at some dramatic shifts in April. The nodal axis (Rahu and Ketu) shifts sign pairings every 1.5 years and now is the time. By April 12, no matter how we calculate, Rahu will begin a stint in Aries as Ketu moves through Libra. Pay attention to new desires that arise during this time, as they may fuel and direct new ventures.On April 13, Jupiter moves into Pisces for an uninterrupted year of transit through his own water sign. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and Jupiter's transit here invites integrating lessons, leaving behind outdated forms and preparing to transition to new situations.Mercury enters Aries on April 8, followed by the Sun on April 14. These are the leaders as our energy moves into new avenues, with Mercury analyzing new terrain and the Sun coming into exalted status, only to be eclipsed at month's end.From April 7 – May 16, Mars transits Aquarius, which could feel as if some form of cool relief has descended on situations of agitation or aggression. With this we see a transition of heavy Saturn influence on Mars, which may have caused some friction, to a budding Jupiter influence on Mars, which could be helpful as we decide how to redirect our efforts.With new Moons on either end of April, we see a beautiful full Moon in Libra on April 16. Venus as ruler of Libra continues to guide our social interactions, giving us good perspective at this full Moon.Venus transits her exaltation sign of Pisces, joining a well dignified Jupiter, between April 27 – June 17. This should bring some positive influences in the realms of relationship growth. April 2022 has been a horizon line for some months, as so many dynamic shifts are happening with the planets. Now that we are here, be ready for new opportunities and make the moves!Kerry offers private sessions and mentoring. BOOK A SESSION.Find updates on Kerry's: Web Site, Facebook, Instagram, and Email List

April 2022 Astrological Forecast by Kerry Shamblin

April 2022 Astrological Forecast by Kerry Shamblin
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