12. What a week!

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The apt metaphor for this week in the centralverse is - drinking from the fire hose! My views on ten quick-hits from the week's Fed news.
1. Fed Chair race, PredictIt
2. Prospect article
3. Historical calendar of Fed Chair nominations
4. Boston Fed won't release scandal documents, Reuters
5. Fed ethics unit's warning letter, Jeanna Smialek's big scoop (letter)
6. The full list of trades / financial transactions by FOMC members, Jeanna's summary
7. The Fed's new ethics rules, thanks to Jeanna for the quote!!
8. FSOC Climate report with Powell’s stamp, Todd Phillips' tweet
9. Inflation readings and FOMC commentary
10. In coming weeks: (a) Fed CBDC report, (b) taper at FOMC meeting
Did you know articles of impeachment have been formally introduced in the House against Fed leaders at least twice in history? 

12. What a week!

12. What a week!
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