Reign of Terror

Release Date:

The Equalizer Season 1 Episode 12: Reign of Terror
Aired on CBS: December 11, 1985
Directed by: Richard Compton
Written by : Steve Bello
Featuring: Lonette McKee (Brewster's Millions), Fred Williamson (NFL great), Immanuel Pena, and Paul "My name's Paul and this is between y'all" Calderon
The Equalizer has to save a health clinic in the slum from being overrun by a glam apocalyptic street gang, and all without using a gun. Not because he lost his whole arsenal of guns or anything, but the new doctor in town insists... and because he's had some rare troubled thoughts about his past aided by a theatrical pantomime shooting gallery where ex-agents go to think.
equalizerspodcast at gmail dot com

Reign of Terror

Reign of Terror
Release Date
