Blood & Wine: Part 2

Release Date:

The Equalizer Season 3 Episode 2: Blood & Wine: Part 2
Aired on CBS: September 23, 1987
Directed by: Alan Metzger
Written by : Coleman Luck
Featuring: Telly Savalas, William Atherton, Moira Sinise
Yowza. Once again, they are starting out strong for season three - a two parter airing on the same night, grabbing America by their lapels and saying "We're back and we're not messing around." And it's hard to start out any more grandiose plotline than William Atherton threating to poison the entire city of New York, and God appearing to Telly Savalas and absolving him of his horrible past. We were blown away by the first part last week, and turns out that was just an appetizer, just setting the stage for all the craziness in this episode. Great outdoor shots of the city, nutso plotlines, and lots of screentime for Savalas and Atherton to shine. An amazing episode that bodes well for the rest of season three.
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Blood & Wine: Part 2

Blood & Wine: Part 2
Release Date
