EP168 Ft. Run2PB Coach Jack Davies - Running the Melbourne Marathon with Type 1 Diabetes

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In this week's episode of the Better with Running Podcast, we dive into Chris's training journey as he ramps up the mileage and tackles the accompanying fatigue, incorporating tempos and mile repeats along the way. Chris eagerly anticipates returning to the track for some exciting races. The discussion shifts to the significance of racing and the valuable lessons it imparts.
Our special guest this week is Run2PB Coach Jack Davies, fresh off his debut Marathon. Jack shares his insights on the experience, highlighting his resilience in the face of a Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis in 2018. He candidly discusses the challenges he's navigated and what motivated him to push boundaries in the Marathon.
Jack delves into the preparation for the event, emphasizing how he meticulously monitored his blood sugar levels. Balancing intense marathon training with a demanding role in the intensive care unit at The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Jack sheds light on his remarkable journey.
We gain valuable insights from Jack about the progress of his athletes, along with standout performances and crucial takeaways he's garnered as a coach. His personal experience in the build-up and execution of a marathon has provided him with a unique perspective on the event.
The episode concludes with a lively discussion on world records, and we get a peek into the endeavors of one of our esteemed past guests and Run2PB legends in the realm of aeropress championships.

EP168 Ft. Run2PB Coach Jack Davies - Running the Melbourne Marathon with Type 1 Diabetes

EP168 Ft. Run2PB Coach Jack Davies - Running the Melbourne Marathon with Type 1 Diabetes
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