# 142 — Pre-Election

Release Date:

Michael, Kegan and Josh Goldstein — a Californian "riding out the election" in Utah — talk about the election as it is happening, the notion that few are voting For while many are voting Against, discuss cancel culture (again), the leading cause of death, the difference between violence and destruction, how terrible life must have been in the mid-1700s for the True Sons of Liberty and the Loyal 9, (among others), to foment, plan and execute actual rebellion against the most powerful nation and military in the world at the time ... basically, what we have to complain about now doesn't rise to the level of that time, and besides, we are all too soft and weak to change anything at all. And in the end — spoiler alert —the election predictions made during this podcast may be wrong, just like weather forecasts. About one hour into the conversation the discussion turns towards the current education model for children, something the shortsighted, ruled-by-fear crowd has not adequately forecast, and the consequences will be dire — after those assholes are dead. Regardless of the rabbit holes and diversions, the lesson of the episode is clear,  consistency is king, whether talking about McDonald's, Starbucks or politics, candidate homogeneity is probably more important than actual platform, much less the ability to actually execute it.

# 142 — Pre-Election

# 142 — Pre-Election
Release Date
