May 2022 Astrological Forecast by Kerry Shamblin

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SummaryApril 2022 brought some notable planetary shifts, with the nodal axis settling into Aries and Libra, Jupiter moving into Pisces and Saturn moving into Aquarius. Just prior to May beginning, we see Venus move to join Jupiter in Pisces, Saturn joining Mars in Aquarius and Mercury pushing past Rahu into Taurus. The final show of April is a partial solar eclipse in Aries on April 30th.The Moon waxes during the first half of May as the outer planets settle into new positions. The full Moon in Scorpio results in a total lunar eclipse on May 15th and16th, visible in Europe, Africa and the Americas.Mercury will be in retrograde motion from May 10th to June 3rd in the earth sign of Taurus. These phases can be challenging to communication and transactions due to the strong, chaotic undertone of retrograde motion. Best to slow down and triple check.From April 27th through May 23rd, there will be a beautiful and positive combination gracing the oceanic sign of Pisces, with its ruler Jupiter combining with Venus, who reaches exalted status there. Look out for positive connections with teachers and helpers while enjoying moments of profound spiritual grace.The Sun moves from exaltation in Aries to join Mercury in Taurus from May 15th to June 15th . This will move the Sun into the front of the procession of planets as they advance past the outer planets, perhaps giving the sense of moving forward with a new face after an extended period of patience.Fiery Mars also shifts signs from Aquarius to Pisces on May 16th, joining the auspicious combination of Jupiter and Venus. It is positive when Jupiter's influence can guide the power of Mars, which will continue through June 26th. Venus moves from Pisces to Aries on May 23rd, breaking the peace of the Pisces transit and trading for the passionate position of traveling through Aries with Rahu.The Moon wanes through the latter half of May, coming to join the Sun in Taurus for the new Moon on May 30th. For more details on all of these planetary movements for May, please continue listening.Kerry offers private sessions and mentoring. BOOK A SESSION.Find updates on Kerry's: Web Site, Facebook, Instagram, and Email List

May 2022 Astrological Forecast by Kerry Shamblin

May 2022 Astrological Forecast by Kerry Shamblin
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