53: The Astro Awani Donna Interview: You Can Have It All - With Purpose, Passion And Faith

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FWEP00053 Genecia Alloura Accept the challenges so that you can feel the victory in your own time. Behind every success is a story of hardships, challenges and even breakdowns. In her younger days, Ms. Genecia has to work to support her studies because she knew she wanted more and she deserves more. (2:00-2:22) My name is Genecia Alloura. I’m from Singapore. Basically I have done a lot in my life. I am the founder of Soul RIch Woman and I run multiple businesses. I have done many things that I’m very proud of and also my vision is to really help more women to be better in their lives. (02:26-03:00) When I was 14 my dad wasn’t financially, he lost some money through stocks and shares so we were financially very tight so we needed to stop . Money was a problem so I kind of stopped my dream and you know what my mom by then she say why don’t go and try instructor fit and I said No! I don’t want. Why I need to become an instructor fit, I’m not interested that’s not want I want to do but she forced me. (03:05-03:30) So I didn’t talk to her for 2 weeks. I remember very clearly because it’s such a big thing in my life. Imagine telling a teenager hey, you have to work now, you have to support yourself in school. After 13 years of a bit of not too bad life then suddenly you have to work and earn money, earn for a living, Oh my God! That’s terrible! I was bitter because that was tough.   (03:31-03:57) When I took the certificate then I need to start to teach, right? So that’s how my life was. 5 AM in the morning I need to go to school and then after that in the evening after extra curricular activities, I went to teach so imagine this I reach home in about 11 PM.   Worry about the best way to move forward. Everybody doesn’t have a perfect life. They can have something that you don’t have but learn to appreciate and love the things you currently have. You will have your time as what happened on Ms. Genecia. (04:13-04:36) Mentally it was challenging and everybody was changing bags, changing hand phones and they were doing stuff like going shopping, going for movies so I was kind of isolated as well I was on my own. The girls in my class, I was being mocked because I wear the same clothes all the time. Some other girls will see the bra and they will say you have been wearing the same bra, you know. (05:15-06:01) My heart was closed because I will not be able to trust anybody again and do anything again and person that could speak to me needed to be somebody who has been through worse than me. Yeah because if you’re telling me you haven’t been through life who are you to tell me in what you know so that part I was depressed, I was suicidal not clinically but I was basically crying everyday and I literally wanted to jump out of my window of my home. My mom, she kind of  stopped me for doing that.  (06:28-07:06) Thanks to this person who was my customer before because he took my grooming class. First I was an image consultant, right? But he spoke to me. I didn’t want to listen to him also definitely because who are you even though we are friends. Who are you to tell me on how to live my life if you haven’t been there? Only then that he revealed he was bankrupt. He was going through bankruptcy for 11 years. He was bankrupt and in debt at 21. I was like, What? And it turned around and then he became a millionaire and to me that was a story to be reckoned with. Learning never ends. Have the courage to do things you are afraid of. When you want more, you must strive more. Learn new skills and knowledge that will help you attain your goals. Embrace changes that will make you better as what Ms. Genecia did. (07:20-07:44) So I invested time to learn about online business, e-commerce, I learned about marketing. I spent time studying about social media and that was when I stop wasting time for money and that was when I make my money and that was when I and that was when I say, Hey! I can do this! I did it!  (08:07-08:38) Before I joined the pageant, I mean, during school I was bullied. I was been mocked because financially we were not  my background was not financially and I had to wear the same clothes. Some people laugh at me, people mocked at me. Materially I was not rich, okay? Some people feed   say nasty things about me, gossip about me, back stab me, wherever they can and that left a scar and many wounds in my life. (09:01-09:50)  It was not for them. It was not to win them and it was more like a challenge for myself because during that time I learned to put makeup while on the go, catching up on the bus, sleeping in the bus and then try to change my heels at the same time I look glam when we get out after the car. We literally learn many skills in my pageant days. And winning it is like a gift from God and joining the pageant after winning Ms. Singapore Universe Runner up and then participating in Ms. Singapore International and winning it, opened doors for me to travel the world, to meet friends around the globe and finding new friendships that I never thought possible. 10:36-11:17: One of the things I learned, took the responsibility to love them and accept them for who they are and not to give up on them or give up on myself. I could have just walked away and say Bye, I don’t love you anymore and that could be the life I chose but I told myself, No! I said, Genecia you must be responsible. No more lame blame. No more shame and no more self justification on how your life should be in this manner but rather Are you a woman of humility? Are you a woman of acceptance of love of overflowing faith. (11:23-11:56) Can you imagine if I teach women how to live their life with purpose, passion and my family sucks because I cannot only live for myself waking up in the morning not knowing that I am in line and in sync with my purpose, with my vision, with my passion. It’s like I needed to in line myself. In the years I’ve taken the responsibility of clearing, forgiving, loving myself? A lot of  self work to work on myself worth,  my self doubt my fear.  Life is short. Time is fast. Enjoy every moment! People come and go so savor your moments with your loved ones. Life is short just to be angry and fill your heart with hatred. Learn to let go and accept that no one is perfect. Ms. Genecia shared: (12:07-12:30) That I finally embraced him for who he is because there are so many things that happened like the blame of why you lost money the last time. So 14 years old, I needed to go out and work. But you know, I have grown up and it’s no longer the same situation anymore and my dad also grow older so I tell myself, what for?  (12:32-13:13) Life! I am living my life because of my family and I love them so much. I really love them. I have them in my hand phone everyday I message them because I realize that throughout my life even though I have grown through thick and thin I realize that everybody has left and gone, come and gone. They were the ones who are still there and love me unconditionally and to me having this realization and wisdom, I realize that is so valuable. (13:15-13:37) But now I understand I will not be where today not ...

53: The Astro Awani Donna Interview: You Can Have It All - With Purpose, Passion And Faith

53: The Astro Awani Donna Interview: You Can Have It All - With Purpose, Passion And Faith
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