Contact with Nirankar alone can satiate the soul:CL GULATI:TOI:THE SPEAKING TREE

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Is there a God or not? If there is, give some evidence for its existence. " Admittedly this question dilated upon here, there and everywhere, is not only a difficult question, but strange also because this is asking about something in which millions of people rest their belief and normally, inability is expressed to prove or disapprove scientifically the existence of God. Watching the ways of the world, everyone deplores the animosities that have plagued the society at large merely on the basis of differences in religious labels.The question shares genuine concern of all human beings. The apostles labored hard, the martyrs died in torments, the scholars and scientists proclaimed the beauties of higher life, sociologists untiringly inculcated the sense of duties of good citizen, the philosophers pioneered sublime thoughts and all agreed that God is one and that man's first duty is to know Him as one. Witnessing shocking crash of human values both vertically and horizontally, seeking evidence of God is not the question but answer to the multiple hydra-headed problems defying peace, purity and prosperity throughout the world.

One of the greatest modern psychologists, Sir Jung has described in his book, "Modern Man in search of soul" that among all his patients, there had not been even one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life. Great thinker, Augustine of Hippo writes, "Restless are our souls until they rest in Thee, My God. " Life is incomplete without God. If a man loses faith in God, he loses faith in himself. It spells crisis in character resulting in chaos and violence all around.Her Holiness Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji – Spiritual Head of the Sant Nirankari Mission says that oblivious of their spiritual identity, the people have raised suffocating walls inter-se. They do not go beyond their faith to mix up with each other freely. As a result, there is no mutual love. In the absence of love, there is no reciprocal respect. Lack of respect breeds distrust which ultimately culminates in hatred and violence, causing global turmoil and shocking crash in human values. To reverse the gear from hatred and violence to love and peace, it requires mutual trust between man and man.

Trust presupposes mutual respect borne out of love. Natural love is possible when man treats and tolerates the other man like a brother. Coming to this point, universal brotherhood and emotional oneness of mankind is the utmost need of the day and that is possible to achieve spontaneously and simultaneously through the realization of Fatherhood of God. God is oneAs God is one and omnipresent, He is cosmic and common to all. All the prophets have total agreement on this – God of one prophet is also the God of all other prophets.

Being one, God cannot be divided or sub-divided. Only such a God is to be worshipped. As per the Old Testament, man is made in the image of God, superior to all species having inherent power to know God. The prophets rejected the deadwood of religious rites and put forth the concept of true worshipper. As a social being man needs wisdom which is more valuable than material wealth, making one humble and lovable. The eternal continuity of True Master (Prophets) with their revelation of one Formless God, the process of humanisation and rearrangement of human relations on the basis of love and humility characterise the mainstream of spirituality in the world.

In this background, all the prophets and the acknowledged scriptures are part and parcel of the mainstream of spirituality. The centre of God is everywhere and circumference nowhere. The whole of the universe is stationed in the Omnipresent and the Omnipotent God. (Atharva Veda 19:53:3). TRUE MASTER (Prophet) SATGURUAs the Divine Truth is eternal, so is the True Master (Satguru) to bless the seekers with Divine Knowledge. "Prophet is said to be the oldest and the newest on the earth, like the day and night which have followed each other

Contact with Nirankar alone can satiate the soul:CL GULATI:TOI:THE SPEAKING TREE

Contact with Nirankar alone can satiate the soul:CL GULATI:TOI:THE SPEAKING TREE
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