This Episode is a Seed - On Ghostly Practice, the Ritual Body, and Performing the Chthonic Sun | Jacquelyn Marie Shannon

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This week, we are welcoming a person very dear to my heart, Jacquelyn Marie Shannon, ritualist, integrative hypnotist, ritual artist, Ph.D. candidate, and dancer, to chat about their research on a topic they have come to call Ghostly Practice. It's hard for me to concisely state in linear language what this episode is about. It's about poetry, it's about performance, it's about the haunting excess accrued by the churning movements and sacrifice of time. It's about dance as the tension and pulling between not the two sides of the coin, but, the very spin of the coin itself. 
In what ways are we haunted by both memory and possibility? How is performance directly informed by the praxis of ritual? How can we commit fully to the act of becoming within a ritual body that is constantly living and dying? Is your bookshelf implicitly haunted? It is my deepest pleasure and joy to plant the seed of Jacquelyn's work in the minds of all who choose to listen. May it spark creative impulses in your soul, to dance and move in co-creation with all Others, both seen and unseen.
Don't forget to check out the Patreon Exclusive Episode which features Jacquelyn speaking on their experiences as an academic who is out of the broom closet, so to speak. As well as, additional poetics on the relationship between art and politics, and , the negation + subsequent recreation of self as praxis for allowing ourselves to truly live with both feet on each side of the river of Becoming.

To find more on Jacquelyn, make sure to check her out on Instagram @ghostinglass. You can also check out their website for further information on their classes and research, as well as, book a hypnosis session here. 
Original music for the podcast performed by Jules M. Dooley, traditional astrologer and sound artist. Follow his experiments with astrology + sound + ai visuals on IG: @glitches_in_the_night_sky

Catherine Bell
Shakina Nayfack
The Paradox of the Actor by Denis Diderot
Georges Bataille
The Haunted Stage: The Theatre as Memory Machine by Marvin Carlson
The Solar Anus by Geroges Batallie

This Episode is a Seed - On Ghostly Practice, the Ritual Body, and Performing the Chthonic Sun | Jacquelyn Marie Shannon

This Episode is a Seed - On Ghostly Practice, the Ritual Body, and Performing the Chthonic Sun | Jacquelyn Marie Shannon
Release Date
