The Seven Wonders of Exoplanets Ep1 What is the sun

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Il sole è una stella, come quelle che brillano in cielo la notte. Le stelle sono
fatte di idrogeno, l’elemento più comune nell’universo e sono caldissime,
perché al loro interno l’idrogeno viene bruciato.
Negli ultimi vent’anni abbiamo scoperto che quasi tutte le stelle hanno
pianeti che orbitano intorno, come fa la Terra col il nostro sole. Li chiamiamo
The sun is a star, like those that shine in the sky at night. The stars are made
of hydrogen, the most common element in the universe and are very hot,
because inside them the hydrogen is burned.
In the last twenty years we have discovered that almost all stars have planets
that orbit around them, as the Earth does with our sun. We call them

The Seven Wonders of Exoplanets Ep1 What is the sun

The Seven Wonders of Exoplanets Ep1 What is the sun
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