Simple Tips to Save Money on Snacks from the Grocery Store to Reduce Your Grocery Bill

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Happy Fall!!!
I have rarely ever bought packaged snacks simply because 25 years ago when my oldest kids were young, our grocery budget was very small and I had to stretch it with foods that filled my family up and lasted the longest. 
In order for me to stay at home with our kids, I had to make sure I wasn’t overspending on any area because when the money was gone, it was gone because we didn’t have any credit cards. I got really good at spending very little by making everything homemade with ingredients that were cheap and filling.  This often meant searching for recipes that used beans or pasta, but also delicious snacks. 
I hear so many people spending several hundreds of dollars every week on snacks, so I just want to give you these super simple tips to make your dollar stretch further at the grocery store.
First, evaluate what snack you buy.  Are they individually packed?  Are you buying unnecessary items such as fancy waters or drinks?  Could you make some of what you are buying very easily at home?  The key to stretching your dollar further is knowing exactly what you are buying and what you can change.
So lets talk about individult packaged ANYTHING!  I’m talking yogurts, chips, cookies, crackers……absolutely anything packaged this way is going to cost you so much extra money!  So instead of buying individual bags of cheese its for example, buy a large box and separate into baggies yourself.  This isn’t hard and it will save you a ton of money.  If it is individual yogurts, just buy a large container and separate out into smaller containers. Instead
of buying individual packaged cheese, buy a big block and cut it yourself.  I never did understand why someone would pay extra money for cheddar cheese in individual sticks-taste the same, but costs a ton more!!!!!   These things do take a few minutes, but you will be happy when you see the savings you can make. 
You may want to consider buying in bulk the things you use often. They may cost a little more up front, but last you much longer for a longer period of time.
Another way to save on groceries is to look at what you buy and see if you can easily make it.  You know me…..i keep everything simple and I want you to also.  You have no idea how simple some of your snacks can be to make.  If it seems overwhelming to make your own snack, just start with one item a month and master that and add another the next month.  Trail mix is a great snack that you can easily buy the ingredients in bulk and just dump together and it will a ton of save money.  Another thing that is super simple to make is yogurt-not only is it simple to make, but it also is so much more nutritious. 
I’m working on a course right now to teach you how to make these simple everyday products at home, so get on my email list if you want to be the first to learn about it when it is done!!!!!!  The link to my website is in the description and you are not going to want to miss it!  I had a granddaughter that liked uncrustables and I saw this tool for a couple bucks at the store the pinches edges together and they are another thing that is simple to make-you don’t have to have this tool to make them though!  You can just cut the crust off of your peanut butter and jelly sandwich and place in a bag!
I absolutely love teaching you these simple systems to save money and make your life easier that I have learned over the years!
And next…..if you are buying muffins, cookies or snacks you can bake at home, find a recipe and if your kids are old enough, they can make them or you could make them together.  When you price out ingredients to make several dozens of products, you will notice, you can only get a small portion of that for the same price.  Sometimes it takes getting creative.  If you think you don’t have time, then keep spending the extra money at the store! If you truely want to cut your grocery budget, this is something you can make time for and doesn’t take that long.  Most recipes take less than 15 minutes to mix up!
I could go on and on and on about all the things you can make yourself, but I want to keep this episode short as always because I know you are a busy mom!
I would love for you to send me any of your favorite tips or tricks on saving money on snacks too because I always enjoy learning!!!!!!!
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Have a wonderful day friend! 


Simple Tips to Save Money on Snacks from the Grocery Store to Reduce Your Grocery Bill

Simple Tips to Save Money on Snacks from the Grocery Store to Reduce Your Grocery Bill
Release Date
