Sean Fargo on The Power of Breath Awareness

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Although simple, mindfulness of breathing is quite powerful. This thousands-year old practice of sensing into each breath has withstood the test of time and today, remains with us as one of the most foundational - and most profound - mindfulness practices. 
Breath awareness strengthens concentration, equanimity, compassion, joy and wisdom. And because the breath is always with us, in each and every moment, it’s forever available to anchor us to the present moment.
In this episode, we hear from Mindfulness Exercises founder Sean Fargo on the power of breath awareness. Sean shares his insights on the practice of mindful breathing, what mindfulness teachers should be aware of, and tells the story of how mindful breathing once saved his life.
Mindfulness Exercises is an online platform which shares free and premium mindfulness resources for practitioners and teachers alike. This episode contains excerpts from Sean’s weekly live presentations to those in the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program. 
Learn more about that program at

Sean Fargo on The Power of Breath Awareness

Sean Fargo on The Power of Breath Awareness
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