Near-Death Experience Life Changer. Stand Up & Speak Up with Debby Montgomery Johnson and Sammy Moonwalker Tucker

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She lost her arm in a motorcycle accident - it was not the "honorable death" she had planned pre-deployment yet it changed her life and she hasn't looked back.  Victim?  Not on your life.  Sammy Moonwalker Tucker, was born the day man walked on the Moon and her father wanted to remember that forever! Drugs and abuse ran rampant around her during her childhood and then reared their ugly heads during young adulthood.  Poor choices led to experiences that robbed her of happiness and purpose.  Find out how life became a "Hot mess" and how Sammy (Moon) took responsibility for everything that happened to her and FOR her.  Hear her say "I'm dying but I'm not ready."  So, what next?  Her brother said "Sis, have you ever done archery?" and in spite of the Naysayer clerk and the  "You need two hands for archery", Sammy went on to become the first American woman to win the Paralympics for archery.  This is an AMAZING story of true grit and grace!   
Contact Sammy Moonwalker Tucker at Contact Debby Montgomery Johnson at

Near-Death Experience Life Changer. Stand Up & Speak Up with Debby Montgomery Johnson and Sammy Moonwalker Tucker

Near-Death Experience Life Changer. Stand Up & Speak Up with Debby Montgomery Johnson and Sammy Moonwalker Tucker
Release Date
