More. Better. New

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Every school year, we find ourselves trying something new. A new program. A new schedule. A new team configuration. A new system. A new guru. In fact, we’re told that if we are not constantly innovating, we are stagnating. So, we feel pressure to be “innovative” so we can maintain our street cred out here in these leadership streets.  But, we’re so busy chasing new stuff, that we ignore all the things that we are already doing that are working. Or WORSE, we get rid of what is already working to make space for the new stuff. Doing so keeps us trapped in mediocrity because when we’re always chasing the new, we never give ourselves time to get good at anything.  Builders do things differently. Builders find what’s already working, do MORE of that until they get really good at it, and THEN they try something new. As a result, Builders create more momentum, more progress, and ultimately more results for students. On today’s episode, discover how a simple mantra can help you stop chasing every shiny object and create real results #LikeABuilder.

More. Better. New

More. Better. New
Release Date
