How to Build Better Work-Life Balance and Beat Burnout This School Year with Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed

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We all know that burnout is unfortunately too common in the teacher world. And if you're trying to beat burnout, you're likely looking to ditch feeling like you're always in work mode and more like you have the space to be the you that you want to be.  this episode, I'm joined by Brittany Blackwell, who shares insight into how teachers can have more of a work-life balance this school year.
Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed. is an award-winning special educator and teacher resilience strategist from South Carolina with over ten years of experience working with elementary and middle school classrooms. Brittany is no stranger to teacher burnout and has a passion for empowering teachers, parents, and students to prioritize self-care and mental health. Brittany's digital approach to self-care through digital planning, vision boards, and sustainable strategies has reached the homes of thousands of educators across the world. Also known as "MsPrincessTeach" on Tiktok, Brittany's social media following grew through her fast-paced, lighthearted tutorials and humorous real life experiences. Brittany helps teachers create their own Individualized Resilience Plan by providing sustainable strategies, personal coaching, mindset shifting, and digital resources to reduce stress, automate the mundane tasks of teaching, and prevent overall teacher burnout. Her approach gives support so that educators can maximize fulfillment and effectiveness in their personal and professional lives.
What's Covered in this Episode:

Statistics that will blow your mind about teacher work-life balance
How an unbalanced workload impacts not only educators, but students and communities as well
Why teachers need better work-life balance
How do teachers balance work and life during the school year?
Three ways every teacher can gain better work-life balance
How to audit your teacher life and tasks so you can be more balance

Listen to Brittany's Podcast: The Resilient Teacher Podcast
Follow Brittany on Tiktok 
Connect with Brittany on Instagram
Check Out Brittany's Website
Watch Brittany's Free Training: Balance Before Burnout: Audit Your Work-Life Balance in Less than 10 Minutes
Other Links:

How to Build Better Work-Life Balance and Beat Burnout This School Year with Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed

How to Build Better Work-Life Balance and Beat Burnout This School Year with Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed
Release Date
