Forbidden Anunnaki CREATION Code! (Genesis of Genesis)

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Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP346

Anunnaki: Cosmology Core Terms
In Mesopotamian mythology, the cosmology and creation narrative are often represented through a series of levels or realms, each associated with a fundamental concept or element. Understanding four key elements: Ti (life), Ap (water), An (sky), and Ki (earth) are vital to deciphering the myths of the Anunnaki. 

Ki (Earth): i.e. Lord Enki/Ea(rth)/Enkidu/Kishar

Ki represents the earthly realm, the solid ground and the foundation of creation. It is associated with the physical world and is often depicted as the goddess of the earth. Ki is the base upon which everything else is built.

An (Sky/Heaven): i.e. King Anu/Anuna gods/Anshar

An is the divine sky or heaven. It is associated with the celestial realm, the domain of the gods. An represents the overarching, vast expanse above the earth. In some traditions, An is also considered the father of the gods.

Ap (Water): i.e. Apsu/Abzu

Ap represents the primordial waters, often associated with chaos and the formless, pre-creation state. These waters are the source of all existence and hold the potential for life. The emergence of order from chaos is a common theme in many creation myths.

Ti (Life): i.e. Tiamat

Ti represents life itself. It is the vital force or essence that animates living beings. In the context of Mesopotamian mythology, life emerges from the combination of the other elements. Life is intricately connected to the balance and interplay of earth, sky, and water.

In summary, the Mesopotamian cosmology envisions a tiered structure of creation, with the earth (Ki) forming the foundation, the sky (An) representing the divine realm, water (Ap) symbolizing the primordial chaos and potential for creation, and life (Ti) arising from the interaction of these fundamental elements. These concepts were woven into various myths and stories that sought to explain the origins of the universe and the forces that govern it in the rich tapestry of Mesopotamian mythology.


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© Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2023


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Forbidden Anunnaki CREATION Code! (Genesis of Genesis)

Forbidden Anunnaki CREATION Code! (Genesis of Genesis)
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